Lynda Smallwood
100 Howe Avenue, Suite 100-South -John Chiang, Controller
Sacramento, California 95825-8202 -Brian Bugsch, Alternate for the Lt. Governor -Anne Sheehan, Alternate for Dept. of Finance
(TDD/TT) 1-800-735-2929
(916) 574-1923
Department of Health Services
1500 Capitol Avenue
Auditorium - First Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
CONSENT CALENDAR: consent items, C14, C29, C44 and C73 were postponed. CONSENT ITEMS C01-C13, C15-C28, C30-C43, C45-C56, and C58-86 WERE APPROVED BY A VOTE OF 3-0. consent item C57 was moved to the regular calendar, amended and approved by a vote of 3-0.
REGULAR CALENDAR: Regular Item 88 was informational only. REGULAR ITEMs 87 and 89 were approved as presented by a vote of 3-0.
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01 |
GERALD A. LINGELBACH, TRUSTEE OF THE GERALD LINGELBACH TRUST, DATED APRIL 30, 2007 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Sunnyside, Placer County; for an existing pier, boathouse, boat lift, and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 3525.9; RA# 09907) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: M. Clark)
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02 |
LINDA M. ELLWOOD, AS TRUSTEE OF THE ELLWOOD FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 25, 1990 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in the Napa River, in the city of Napa, Napa County; for an existing pier, ramp, pontoon, and an uncovered floating boat dock previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 5666.9; RA# 10507) (A 7; S 2) (Negotiator: M. Clark)
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03 |
SHIRLEY KEARN, ROBERT LOUIS KEARN, AND JANET JEAN KEARN (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier with catwalk, boat lift, and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 7139.9; RA# 08507) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: M. Clark)
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04 |
CARL W. TUNNELL AND BETSY TUNNELL (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in the Kings River, near Kingsburg, Tulare County; for an existing fixed boat dock. (W 26117; RA# 16606) (A 34; S 18) (Negotiator: K. Foster)
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05 |
ANTHONY J. SOTELO (APPLICANT): Consider application for a Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Huntington Harbour, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock and access ramp previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 3312.9; RA# 02107)(A 67; S 35) (Negotiator: K. Foster)
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06 |
ARTHUR L. ANDERSON AND DONNA S. ANDERSON, CO- TRUSTEES OF THE ANDERSON FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST DATED 11-07-05 (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Meeks Bay, El Dorado County; for an existing pier, boathouse, and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 4486.9; RA# 10407) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: C. Hudson)
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07 |
JONATHAN S. KITCHEN AND NINA HATVANY, TRUSTEES OF THE JONATHAN S. KITCHEN AND NINA HATVANY DECLARATION OF TRUST DATED APRIL 29, 1999 (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Placer County; for two existing mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 7937.9; RA# 06706) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: C. Hudson)
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08 |
KURT A. LATTA, AS TRUSTEE OF THE LATTA TRUST UNDER INSTRUMENT DATED MARCH 21, 1990 (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier, boat lift, and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 5469.9; RA# 13007) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: C. Hudson)
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09 |
GERHARD H. PARKER AND CAROL E. PARKER (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near the city of South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County; for an existing pier, boat lift and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 8008.9; RA# 07907) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: N. Lee)
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10 |
RONALD D. STEPHENS AND KATHLEEN W. STEPHENS (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Meeks Bay, El Dorado County; for an existing pier and one mooring buoy previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 837.9; RA# 12407) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: N. Lee)
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11 |
HARVEY H. PERMAN AND LOIS V. PERMAN, HIS WIFE, AS TRUSTEES OF THE PERMAN FAMILY TRUST (CREATED BY A DECLARATION OF TRUST DATED JUNE 18, 1986 (RESCINDING APPLICANTS) AND HARVEY H. PERMAN AS TRUSTEE OF THE PERMAN FAMILY TRUST (CREATED BY A DECLARATION OF TRUST DATED JUNE 18, 1986) (APPLICANT): Consider rescission of Recreational Pier Lease No. PRC 5729.9 and an application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Rubicon Bay, El Dorado County; for an existing pier with catwalk, boat lift and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 5729.9; RA# 06307) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: N. Lee)
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12 |
AARON ARTHUR GIOVARA AND PAULA ELVIRA GIOVARA, TRUSTEES OF THE GIOVARA FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED JULY 29, 2004 (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Sunnyside, Placer County; for an existing pier, boat lift and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 4279.9; RA# 13807) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: N. Lee)
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13 |
JOHN V. KEARNS (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Homewood, Placer County; for an existing pier previously authorized by the Commission and the retention of an existing boathouse and two mooring buoys not previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 6387.9; RA# 05207) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: B. Terry)
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14 |
JOSEPH GREEN JR. (LESSEE); TODD KINION AND PATRICE KINION (APPLICANTS): Consider the termination of Lease No. PRC 5554.9, a Recreational Pier Lease and an application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Meeks Bay, El Dorado County; for an existing pier and one mooring buoy previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 5554.9; RA# 27005) (A 4; S 1)(Negotiator: B. Terry) REMOVED FROM AGENDA
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15 |
RONALD F. MACK AND JUDY A. MACK, CO-TRUSTEES OF THE RON AND JUDY MACK FAMILY TRUST (U.T.A. JUNE 8, 1983) (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for two existing mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 8016.9; RA# 09807) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: B. Terry)
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16 |
JON Q. REYNOLDS AND ANN S. REYNOLDS, TRUSTEES OF THE JON Q. REYNOLDS AND ANN S. REYNOLDS FAMILY TRUST DATED 12/23/92 (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Rubicon Bay, El Dorado County; for an existing pier and one mooring buoy previously authorized by the Commission and the retention of an existing boat lift not previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 3539.9; RA# 16605) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: B. Terry)
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17 |
DAVID T. DUBBINK AND CHER C. DUBBINK (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new Recreational Pier Lease of sovereign lands located in Morro Bay, near the town of Los Osos, San Luis Obispo County; for an existing boat dock previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 7644.9; RA# 11107) (A 33; S 15) (Negotiator: S. Young)
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18 |
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease Nos. PRC 4733.9 and PRC 4734.9, two General Leases Public Agency Use, of public trust lands located in Bolsa Chica, city of Huntington Beach, Orange County; to construct, use and maintain a pedestrian foot bridge crossing the Outer Bolsa Bay Channel within the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve. (PRC 4733.9 and PRC 4734.9); RA# 15707) (A 67; S 35) (Negotiator: J. Brown)
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19 |
GILBERT GONZALES AND MARGIE D. GONZALES (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, near the city of Sacramento, adjacent to the Garden Highway, Sacramento County; for the retention of an existing uncovered floating boat dock, three pilings, dolphin, gangway, and bank protection. (W 24687; RA# 03807) (A 5;9 S 6) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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20 |
SACRAMENTO YACHT CLUB (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 5512.1, a General Lease - Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, near the city of West Sacramento, Yolo County; for a private yacht club. (PRC 5512.1); (A 8; S 5) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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21 |
TDB SACRAMENTO DELTA CORPORATION (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 7680.1, a General Lease - Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in Georgiana Slough, near the town of Isleton, Sacramento County; for an existing five-berth covered floating boat dock facility. (PRC 7680.1); (A 15; S 5) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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22 |
IDA PEARL WEBER AND JIM DARRELL WEBER (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new General Lease – Commercial and Protective Structure Use, of filled and unfilled sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, near Rio Vista, Sacramento County; for six existing fishing platforms, two concrete pads, a portion of a covered patio and deck, and bank protection previously authorized by the Commission; and the retention of fill not previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 7968.1; RA# 29106) (A 8; S 4) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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23 |
CITY OF PETALUMA (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 7235.1, a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign lands located in the Petaluma River, in the city of Petaluma, Sonoma County; for an existing commercial marina. (PRC 7235.1; (A 9; S 2) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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24 |
PAUL A. COAD AND GERICA L. COAD (APPLICANTS): Consider application for an amendment to Lease No. PRC 8732.1, a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign lands located the Sacramento River, adjacent to the Garden Highway, Sacramento County; to amend the consideration for an existing uncovered floating boat dock with gangway, five steel pilings, and bank protection. (WP 8732.9) (A 2, 5; S 4, 6) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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25 |
WILLIAM J. BARKER AND CAROL L. BARKER (PARTIES): Consider authorizing litigation for trespass, ejectment, and removal of an unauthorized pier structure, pilings, and a derelict paddlewheel riverboat known as the Spirit of Sacramento located in the Sacramento River, near the city of West Sacramento, Yolo County; and the restoration of the land to its natural condition, to the satisfaction of the Commission. (PRC 519.1) (A 8; S 5) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell and J. Frey)
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26 |
SACRAMENTO REGIONAL COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign lands located in the American River, vicinity of Business 80 Bridge, Sacramento County; for an existing buried force main pipeline. (WP 2168.9; RA# 00607) (A 6; S 6) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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27 |
ROBERT N. FULTON AND KIM ANETTE FULTON (LESSEES); GUADALUPE AYALA (APPLICANT): Consider ratification of assignments, acceptance of a Lease Quitclaim Deed, and issuance of a new General Lease - Commercial Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, near the town of Colusa, Colusa County; for an existing commercial marina facility previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 2220.1; RA# 31205) (A 2; S 4) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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28 |
MICHAEL KEVIN MCRAE (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease No. PRC 6998.9, a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to the Garden Highway, Sacramento County; to include the placement of additional bank protection. (WP 6998.9; RA# 06907) (A 5; S 6) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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29 |
BUFFER PROPERTIES, LLC (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 5167.1, a General Lease - Commercial Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to the Garden Highway, Sacramento County; for an existing commercial marina. (PRC 5167.1) (A 5, 9; S 6) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell) REMOVED FROM AGENDA
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30 |
HUGH TURNER AND CARROL A. TURNER (LESSEES/ASSIGNORS); HUGH TURNER (ASSIGNEE/LESSEE/SUBLESSOR); AND ALAMAR RESTAURANT & MARINA, LLC (SUBLESSEE): Consider application for an assignment, amendment, and revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 5110.1, a General Lease - Commercial Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to the Garden Highway, Sacramento County; to include security provisions and best management practices. (WP 5110.1; RA# 23506) (A 2, 5; S 4, 6) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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31 |
JOHN C. BRESCIANI (LESSEE/ASSIGNOR); WINDMILL COVE RESORT AND MARINA, LLC (ASSIGNEE): Consider application for an assignment of Lease No. PRC 2856.1, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of filled and unfilled sovereign land located in historic bed of the San Joaquin River, at Vulcan Island, near the city of Stockton, San Joaquin County; for an existing commercial marina, recreational vehicle park and access roads; and an amendment to include provisions for a resurvey of the lease premises, a deadline for submission of an application and a repair plan, for proposed renovation, uses and changes to the facilities; and to add best management practices. (WP 2856.1; RA# 12907) (A 26; S 5) (Negotiator: V. Caldwell)
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32 |
WALNUT GROVE HOMEOWNERS AND MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 8007.1, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, city of Walnut Grove, Sacramento County; for a commercial guest dock, gangway, access ramps, and landings. (PRC 8007.1) (A 15, 8; S 14, 5) (Negotiator: M. Clark)
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33 |
PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new General Lease – Right of Way Use, of school lands located near the town of Newberry Springs, San Bernardino County; for an existing unpaved access road previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 2158.2; RA# 02507) (A 34; S 18) (Negotiator: M. Clark)
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34 |
PEBBLE BEACH COMPANY (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new General Lease – Protective Structure Use, of sovereign lands located in the Pacific Ocean, adjacent to the Pebble Beach Golf Course, Pebble Beach, Monterey County; for two existing seawalls used for bluff protection previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 7958.1; RA# 18706) (A 27; S 15) (Negotiator: M. Clark )
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35 |
CPN PIPELINE COMPANY (LESSEE): Consider continuation of rent for Lease No. PRC 3768.1, a General Lease – Right of Way Use, of sovereign lands located in the San Joaquin River, near the city of Antioch, Sacramento and Contra Costa counties; for natural gas pipeline. (PRC 3768.1) (A 8; S 15) (Negotiator: M. Clark)
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36 |
CITY OF REDDING (LESSEE/APPLICANT): Consider termination of a General Lease – Public Agency Use, and an application for a new General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, city of Redding, Shasta County; for the construction of a dry and wet weather outfall pipeline system, bank protection; a temporary trestle, placement of temporary placement of warning signs and buoys; and the abandonment of an existing diffuser pipeline previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 5387.9; RA# 01007) (A 2; S 4) (Negotiator: M. Clark)
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37 |
KING HARBOR YACHT CLUB (APPLICANT): Consider rescission of Minute Item C40 approved by the State Lands Commission at its May 10, 2007 meeting for a General Lease - Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in Little Fisherman's Cove, Santa Catalina Island, Los Angeles County; for the construction of a seasonal floating dock. (WP 8747.1; RA# 18406) (A 54; S 27) (Negotiator: K. Foster)
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38 |
CALLEGUAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign lands located in the Pacific Ocean, near the city of Port Hueneme, Ventura County; for the construction of a steel or high density polyethylene outfall pipeline. (W 26249; RA# 08807) (A 41; S 23) (Negotiator: S. Young)
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39 |
KOURETAS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 1710.1, a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Carnelian Bay, Placer County; for a pier, boat lift, and two mooring buoys. (PRC 1710.1) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: C. Hudson)
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40 |
WILLIAM R. TIMKEN AND JUDITH P. TIMKEN, TRUSTEES OF THE 2007 WILLIAM R. TIMKEN QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST I B AND TRUST II B U/DT DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2007; AND WILLIAM R. TIMKEN AND JUDITH P. TIMKEN, TRUSTEES OF THE 2007 JUDITH P TIMKEN QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST I B AND TRUST II B U/D/T DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier, boat hoist, slip, and sundeck previously authorized by the Commission. WP 3705.1; RA# 8607) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: C. Hudson)
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41 |
GEORGE C. EVERETT, JR. AND ANDREA C. EVERETT, TRUSTEES OF THE EVERETT FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 18, 1996 (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission and the retention of existing breakwater not previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 5164.1; RA# 27206) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: C. Hudson)
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42 |
SPFF, L.P. (LESSEE): Consider the continuation of rent for Lease No. PRC 6868.2, a General Lease – Right of Way Use, of State school lands located east of the Salton Sea, Imperial and Riverside counties; for a petroleum pipeline. (PRC 6868.2) (A 80; S 37) (Negotiator: C. Hudson)
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43 |
AT&T CORPORATION (LESSEE): Consider the continuation of rent for Lease No. PRC 7885.2, a General Lease – Right of Way Use, of school lands located in Glenn County; for an existing fiber optic cable. (PRC 7885.2) (A 2; S 4) (Negotiator: C. Hudson)
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44 |
COUNTY OF KERN (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new General Lease – Right of Way Use, of school lands located near the unincorporated town of Rosamond, Kern County; for an existing paved road, known as Mojave-Tropico Road/County Road No. 221 previously authorized by the Commission. WP 2234.2; RA# 30606) (A 36; S 17) (Negotiator: C. Hudson) REMOVED FROM AGENDA
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45 |
DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES (APPLICANT): Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign lands located in the historic bed of the San Joaquin River, at the Port of Stockton, in the city of Stockton, San Joaquin County; for the construction of a temporary barge loading equipment facility consisting of a conveyor, hopper/feeder system and a support barge. (W 26254; RA# 11007) (A 5; S 15, 26) (Negotiator: D. Jones)
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46 |
CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY (LESSEE/ASSIGNOR); VENOCO, INC (ASSIGNEE): Consider rescission of two prior authorizations of assignment, ratify two prior assignments, and consider an application for the assignment and amendment of Lease No. PRC 7493.1, a General Lease – Right of Way Use, of sovereign lands located in Old River, at Union Island, Contra Costa and San Joaquin counties; for a natural gas pipeline, to increase the surety bond, and liability insurance. (WP 7493.1; RA# 16007) (A 31; S 16) (Negotiator: D. Jones)
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47 |
CITY OF ANTIOCH (APPLICANT): Consider application for a Dredging Lease to dredge material from legislatively granted sovereign lands, with minerals reserved to the State, located in Barbara Price Marina Park, adjacent to the northerly terminus of L Street, San Joaquin River, city of Antioch, Contra Costa County; disposal of dredged material at an upland disposal site for use in construction of a parking lot, wetland restoration or for levee repairs. (W 26251; RA# 09707) (A 11; S 7) (Negotiator: G. Kato)
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48 |
SANTA CRUZ PORT DISTRICT (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease No. PRC 2836.9, a General Lease – Public Agency Use, to expand the dredge material disposal site located on sovereign lands east of the harbor entrance and sandy beach area at the Santa Cruz Port District Beach and Twin Lakes State Park Beach for beach replenishment purposes; authorize additional disposal sites at United States Army Corps of Engineers approved disposal site at SF-14 and an approved upland disposal site and to authorize an additional 140,000 cubic yards of material to be dredged from sovereign lands, located in Santa Cruz Harbor, Santa Cruz County. (PRC 2836.9; RA# 30200) (A 17; S 15) (Negotiator: G. Kato)
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49 |
COUNTY OF ORANGE (APPLICANT): Consider application for a Dredging Lease to dredge a maximum of 180,000 cubic yards of material from legislatively granted sovereign lands, with minerals reserved to the State, located in the Newport Dunes, Newport Bay, Orange County; disposal of dredged material at the United States Environmental Protection Agency approved LA-3 ocean disposal site. (WP 7837.9; RA# 22306) (A 70; S 35) (Negotiator: G. Kato)
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50 |
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease No. PRC 8720.1, General Lease - Right of Way Use for an existing natural gas pipeline on sovereign lands located near the town of Lompoc, Santa Barbara County; to authorize a self insurance program to satisfy the insurance requirements. (WP 8720.1; RA# 02105) (A 33; S 19) (Negotiator: G. Kato)
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51 |
EAST RIVER TERRACE PARTNERS, A MINNESOTA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, DBA SKI RUN MARINA (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 8655.1, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, city of South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County; for a commercial marina. (PRC 8655.1) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: N. Lee)
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52 |
RUBICON TAHOE OWNERS, INC. (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 5676.1, a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Rubicon Bay, El Dorado County; for two existing piers, two swim areas, two swim floats, two marker buoys, and 97 mooring buoys. (PRC 5676.1) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: N. Lee)
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53 |
TAHOE YACHT HARBOR, LLC (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease No. PRC 706.1, General Lease - Commercial Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, Placer County; for the expansion of the Tahoe City Marina, which includes construction of a new public access pier, two new floating wave attenuators, three new floating docks, replacement of an existing fueling and pumpout facility, a new fueling and pumpout facility, 67 new boat slips, relocation of an existing buoy field and channel marker buoys, and construction dredging. (WP 706.1; RA# 13706) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: N. Lee)
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54 |
SOLANO COUNTY (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease No. PRC 160.9, a General Lease - Right of Way Use, of sovereign lands located in Hill Slough, near the city of Suisun City, Solano County; to extend the construction date for the construction of a two-lane vehicular bridge. (WP 160.9; RA# 04407) (A 8; S 4) (Negotiator: J. McComas)
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55 |
PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY (APPLICANT): Consider adoption of a Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 2006102033/CSLC EIR 737) and an application for a new General Lease – Right of Way Use, of sovereign lands located in the Mokelumne and Cosumnes rivers, near the city of Elk Grove, Sacramento and San Joaquin counties; for the construction of a new horizontal directional drilled natural gas pipeline. (W 26136; RA# 23505) (A 10,15,26; S 01,14) (Negotiator: J. McComas)
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56 |
JEANNE C. BIRD/JEANNE C. TAYLOR (LESSEE): Consider an amendment to the Holdover Tenancy Agreement for Lease No. PRC 6382.1, General Lease - Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, near the town of Courtland, Sacramento County; to extend the term and to clarify the ending date of the Agreement. (PRC 6382.1) (A 8; S 4) (Negotiator: J. McComas)
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57 |
SHAWN BERRIGAN AND DIANE HOUSE (LESSEES): Consider extension of time to cure the defaults of a General Lease – Commercial Use, Lease No. PRC 5637.1 of sovereign lands located in the Sacramento River, town of Courtland, Sacramento County. (PRC 5637.1) (A 8; S 4) (Negotiator: J. McComas)
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58 |
CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION AND CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION (PARTIES): Consider acceptance of one offer to dedicate lateral public access easement over land adjacent to State tidelands in the city of Malibu, APN 4459-017-007, Los Angeles County. (W 24665) (A 41; S 23) (Negotiator: S. Nelson)
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59 |
CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION AND CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION (PARTIES): Consider acceptance of one offer to dedicate lateral public access easement over land adjacent to State tidelands in the city of Malibu, APN 4452-008-018, Los Angeles County. (W 24665) (A 41; S 23) (Negotiator: S. Nelson)
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60 |
CHEVRON USA, INC. (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease No. PRC 5805.9, a Dredging Lease, of sovereign lands located in the San Francisco Bay, Contra Costa County; to expand the lease area. (PRC 5805.9; RA# 10607) (A 6; S 3) (Negotiator: D. Oetzel)
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61 |
RMC PACIFIC MATERIAL (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease Nos. PRC 5733.1 and PRC 5871.1, two Mineral Leases, of granted lands with minerals reserved to the State and sovereign lands located in the San Francisco Bay, Contra Costa and Solano counties; to modify the rate of royalty. (PRC 5733.1 and PRC 5871.1; RA# 18107) (A 6; S 3) (Negotiator: D. Oetzel)
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62 |
A-Z FARMS, INC. (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new General Lease – Agricultural Use, of school lands located southwest of Niland, Imperial County; for farming. (PRC 8668.2, WP 8668; RA# 01707) (A 80; S 40) (Negotiator: J. Porter)
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63 |
PLUMAS-SIERRA RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (LESSEE): Consider application for an amendment to Lease No. PRC 7458.2, a General Lease - Right of Way Use, of school lands located near the town of Doyle, Lassen County; for the removal, upgrade, and relocation of an existing electrical transmission line, amendment of the legal description, and revision of annual rent. (WP 7458.2; RA# 31105) (A 3; S 1) (Negotiator: J. Porter)
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64 |
DOROTHY B. WARNE, ROBERT N. TAYLOR AND SCOTT B. TAYLOR AS INDIVIDUALS; DOROTHY B. WARNE AS TRUSTEE OF THE DOROTHY B. WARNE REVOCABLE TRUST, ESTABLISHED APRIL 12, 1990; AND ROBERT N. TAYLOR AND SCOTT B. TAYLOR, CO-TRUSTEES OF THE DOROTHY B. WARNE GRANDCHILDREN’S TRUST, ESTABLISHED MARCH 14, 1996 (APPLICANTS): Consider application for a new General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Homewood, Placer County; for an existing boathouse, artificially filled area, and one mooring buoy previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 6358.1; RA# 11606) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: B. Terry)
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GORDON PROPERTIES, L.P., A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (LESSEE): Consider revision of rent to Lease No. PRC 8448.1, a General Lease - Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Carnelian Bay, Placer County; for a pier, boat lift, and two mooring buoys. (PRC 8448.1) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: B. Terry)
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TAVERN SHORES ASSOCIATION, A NON-PROFIT CALIFORNIA CORPORATION (APPLICANT): Consider application for a new General Lease - Recreational Use of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for reconstruction of an existing pier, 44 mooring buoys, and two marker buoys previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 4015.1; RA# 09806) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: B. Terry)
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JAMES ALAN HETFIELD, TRUSTEE OF THE JAMES AND FRANCESCA HETFIELD REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 5/20/98 AND WIEDEMANN RANCH, INC. (APPLICANTS): Consider application for an amendment to lease PRC 3905.1, a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign lands located in Lake Tahoe, near Homewood, Placer County; to place a boat lift on the existing joint-use pier. (WP 3905.1; RA# 14007) (A 4; S 1) (Negotiator: B. Terry)
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AERA ENERGY LLC (LESSEE) SAN PEDRO BAY PIPELINE COMPANY AND PACIFIC ENERGY RESOURCES LTD. (APPLICANTS): Consider termination of Lease No. PRC 5636.1, a General Lease – Right of Way Use, and an application for a new General Lease – Right of Way Use, of sovereign lands located in San Pedro Bay, offshore of the cities of Seal Beach and Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing crude oil pipeline serving federal oil and leases within the Outer Continental Shelf previously authorized by the Commission. (WP 5636.1; RA# 24406) (A 67; S 35) (Negotiator: S. Young)
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Request authority for the Executive Officer to solicit proposals for consultant services, negotiate fair and reasonable price, award and execute agreements for preparation of environmental documentation and mitigation monitoring for the proposed Lucerne Valley Solar Project in San Bernardino County. (W 26267; RA# 15807) (A & S Statewide) (Negotiators: D. Brown, A. Abeleda, S. Mindt, S. Mongano, J. Porter) · Agenda Item MS Word Adobe Acrobat
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Request authority for the Executive Officer to solicit proposals for consultant services, negotiate fair and reasonable price, award and execute agreements for preparation of environmental documentation and mitigation monitoring for the proposed Truckhaven Geothermal Leasing Area in Imperial County. (W40808; RA# 21706) (A & S Statewide) (Negotiators: D. Brown, A. Abeleda, S. Mindt, S. Mongano, M. Brand, D. Dudak) · Agenda Item MS Word Adobe Acrobat
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Request authority for the Executive Officer to solicit proposals for consultant services, negotiate fair and reasonable price, award and execute agreements for preparation of environmental documentation and mitigation monitoring for proposed Pease – Marysville 60kv Reconstruction Project in Yuba and Sutter counties. (WP 6827; RA# 04807) (A & S Statewide) (Negotiators: D. Brown, A. Abeleda, E Gillies, S. Mongano, N.Lee) · Agenda Item MS Word Adobe Acrobat
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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (PARTIES): Consider authorization to file disclaimer in United States of America vs.12.94 acres of land, more or less, in Solano County, et al., United States District Court, Eastern District of California, Civil No. 2:07- cv-02172-FCD-EFB. 503-1991 (W 503.1991)(A 8; S 2; 5) (Negotiator: Mario De Bernardo)
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CALIFORNIA COASTAL CONSERVANCY, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, AND CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTIES): Consideration of a proposed Memorandum of Understanding among the Parties for Restoration Planning for the Ballona Wetlands, including approximately 60 acres of public trust lands near the intersection of Jefferson and Lincoln Boulevards, Los Angeles County. (W 25505) (A 53; S 28) (Negotiator: P. Griggs, E. Gillies) REMOVED FROM AGENDA
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Consider acceptance of a donation of $98,200 to the Kapiloff Land Bank Fund in settlement regarding International-Matex Tank Terminals’ failure to comply with pipeline testing requirements. (W 9777.234) (A 14; S 9) (Negotiators: G. Gregory, M. Meier) · Agenda Item MS Word Adobe Acrobat
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Consider approval of the fourth Annual Report on the California Oil Transfer and Transportation Emission and Risk Reduction program for the year 2007. (W9777.263) (A & S Statewide) (Negotiators: R. Varma, M. Flowers and G. Gregory)
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Request authority to enter into a contract to support vessel modifications and conduct shipboard ballast water treatment research. (W9777.234, W9777.243) (A & S Statewide) (Negotiators: M. Falkner, D. Brown) · Agenda Item MS Word Adobe Acrobat
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Consider adoption of regulations modifying the fee to be used to implement the State’s marine invasive species program. (W9777.234) (A & S Statewide) (Negotiators: M. Falkner, G. Gregory, M. Meier)
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78 |
GEYSERS POWER COMPANY, LLC (LESSEE): Consider approval of the amendment of State Geothermal Resources Lease No. PRC 4596.2 to: add lands presently held under State Geothermal Resources Lease No. PRC 6423.2, establish a time for the surrender of such lands if lessee fails to conduct operations under the lease, and modify other terms of the lease; and acceptance of the surrender of Geothermal Resources Lease No. PRC 6423.2 as to the remaining lands, The Geysers Geothermal Field, Sonoma and Lake Counties. (PRC 4596.2, PRC 6423.2, R13107) (A 1; S 2) (Negotiator: D. Dudak) · Agenda Item MS Word Adobe Acrobat · Exhibit A MS Word Adobe Acrobat
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MAGMA POWER COMPANY (LESSEE): Consider approval of the amendment of State Geothermal Resources Lease No. PRC 7621.0 to waive and relinquish the State’s right of partial termination for Lessee’s failure to meet a construction deadline, and to increase the annual rental, Salton Sea Geothermal Field, Imperial County. (PRC 7621, R 08907) (A 80, S 37) (Negotiator: D. Dudak)
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DEEP ROSE, LLC (PERMITTEE/ASSIGNOR) AND DEEP ROSE GEOTHERMAL 16, LLC (ASSIGNEE): Consider approval of an assignment of 100 percent interest in, and two-year extension of, State Geothermal Resources Prospecting Permit No. PRC 8673.2, Inyo County (PRC 8673.2, R13607) (A 25, S 18) (Negotiator: D. Dudak)
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COUGAR GOLD LLC (APPLICANT): Consider approval for an extension of a mineral prospecting permit for minerals other than oil, gas, geothermal resources, sand and gravel on State lands, Mono County. (PRC 8742.2) (A 34; S 15) (Negotiator: S. Mulqueen)
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LOTO ENERGY II, LLC (ASSIGNOR) AND WESTERN METALS CORPORATION (ASSIGNEE): Consider request for an assignment of 100 percent interest in, and amendment of, Oil and Gas Lease No. PRC 5995.1, Lindsey Slough, Solano County. (PRC 5995.1) (A 4, S 2) (Negotiator: J. Smith)
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SUNSET EXPLORATION, INC. (ASSIGNOR) AND STREAM ENERGY, INC. (ASSIGNEE): Consider approval of an assignment of Sunset Exploration, Inc.'s 100 percent interest in Oil and Gas Lease No. PRC 8395.1 to Stream Energy, Inc.; consider approval of an amendment of Oil and Gas Lease No. PRC 8395.1 to provide for the leasing of additional lands, and consent to the pooling of approximately 26.71 acres of leased lands under PRC 8395.1, Sacramento County. (PRC 8395.1) (A 8, S 4) (Negotiator: J. Smith)
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STREAM ENERGY, INC. (APPLICANT): Consider approval of an amendment of Oil and Gas Lease No. PRC 8618.1 to provide for the leasing of additional lands, and consent to the pooling of approximately 32.9 acres of leased lands under PRC 8618.1, Sacramento County. (PRC 8618.1) (A 8, S 4) (Negotiator: J. Smith)
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CITY OF LONG BEACH (APPLICANT): Consider approval of the Annual Plan (July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009), Long Beach Unit, Wilmington Oil Field, Los Angeles County. (W 17162) (A 54; S 27) (Negotiator: A. Reid)
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WEBBER PLYLEY, INC. (DBA: SIGMA STONE COMPANY (ASSIGNOR) AND VULCAN LANDS, INC. (ASSIGNEE): Consider approval of assignment of Webber Plyley's 100 percent interest in Mineral Extraction Lease No. PRC 8253.2, to Vulcan Lands, Inc., and amendment to Lease No. PRC 8253.2, San Bernardino County. (PRC 8253.2) (A 34, S 17) (Negotiator: S. Mulqueen)
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SOUTH BAY YACHT CLUB (LESSEE): Consider an extension of time to cure the defaults of a General Lease – Commercial Use, Lease No. PRC 3979.1, of sovereign lands located in the Guadalupe River, near the town of Alviso, Santa Clara County. (PRC 3979.1) (A 22; S 10) (Negotiator: M. Hays)
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION: A briefing on issues relating to the National Defense Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet (aka, “Mothball Fleet”), which is moored on public trust property. (PRC 7838.9) (A 8; S 2)(Negotiator: Mario De Bernardo) Item and Exhibit not available
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CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY): Consider a resolution proposed by the Controller calling on the US Environmental Protection Agency to grant a waiver to California for regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and urging the federal government to take timely and effective action regarding climate change. (Negotiator: Paul Thayer)
California Coastal Commission & State Lands Commission vs. Trancas Property Owners
Macor Inc. vs. City and County of San Francisco, et al
The commission may consider matters which fall under government code section 11126 (e)(2)(B) or (2)(C).