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Searching for 48

Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
1949-11-2122(Item) 1021(Page)ISSUANCEW 511P 484
1949-11-2135(Item) 1027(Page)DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY EO RE FEDERAL ACQUIS JURISW 453 W 480 W 481 W 482 W 483 W 484
1949-11-2135(Item) 1027(Page)DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY EO RE FEDERAL ACQUIS JURISW 489 W 490 W 496 W 498 W 516
1949-11-2145(Item) 1032(Page)ISSUANCEW 594P 485
1949-11-2146(Item) 1032(Page)ISSUANCEW 579P 486
1949-11-2147(Item) 1033(Page)ISSUANCEW 570P 487
1949-11-2148(Item) 1033(Page)SALE AUTHORIZEDS 5191 SA 4707
1949-11-2150(Item) 1034(Page)ISSUANCEW 207P 483
1949-11-2150(Item) 1034(Page)ISSUANCEW 207P 489
1949-09-157(Item) 996(Page)REVISION MINUTES 10-48 ITEM 14W 392P 412