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Searching for 37

Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
1954-03-2637(Item) 2043(Page)EASEMENT TO NEVADA NATURAL GAS PIPELINE COW 1607P 905
1954-03-2637(Item) 2044(Page)ASSIGNMENT TO PACIFIC LIGHTING COW 1660PC 675/11
1954-03-2637(Item) 2045(Page)ASSIGNMENT TO DOW CHEMICAL CO/VISTARIO CORPW 1544 W 1545P 714 P 729
1954-03-2637(Item) 2046(Page)PERMITW 1562 W 1583P 909 P 946
1954-03-2637(Item) 2047(Page)PERMITW 1644 W 1589P 926 P 936
1954-03-2637(Item) 2048(Page)PERMITW 1648 W 1624P 901 P 939
1954-03-2637(Item) 2049(Page)ASSIGNMENT TO BOTTORFFW 1688P 1272
1953-12-1711(Item) 1931(Page)SALES 5377 SA 4825
1953-12-1728(Item) 1941(Page)PERMITW 1497P 837
1953-12-1728(Item) 1945(Page)LEASE RENEWALW 1537P 595