
Annual / Biennial Reports

Coastal Hazards & Legacy Oil & Gas Well Removal & Remediation Program annual progress reports

SB 44 (Jackson) requires the Commission to submit a report to the Legislature by January 1 of each year, until 2026, on the activities and accomplishments of the program for the prior year. 

Marine Invasive Species Program biennial reports & Treatment Technology reports

Biennial reports on the California Marine Invasive Species Program.

Treatment Technology: Assessments of the Efficacy, Availability and Environmental Impacts of Ballast Water Treatment Technologies for Use in California Waters reports & updates.

State Leadership Accountability Act biennial reports

The State Leadership Accountability Act requires biennial reports on the review of our internal control and monitoring systems. Below are links to our reports. For more information visit the Department of Finance's State Leadership Accountability Act web page.


Available by request from the Mineral Resources Management Division.

Nazee Heda, Associate Mineral Resources Engineer

Reports: 1953 to present

The following reports were created by Commission staff (unless otherwise indicated) to provide information to the Commission and the public. Like all reports, they are based on information available at the time of their development and may or may not be reflective of current information. Where applicable staff reports and Commission action taken are reachable at links provided.

Workforce Plan – Fiscal Years 2018-2021

Our Workforce Plan is aligned with CalHR standards and will be used as a tool to help ensure the Commission proactively plans to avoid talent surpluses or shortages. Workforce planning is based on the premise that an organization can be staffed more efficiently if it forecasts its talent needs as well as the actual supply of talent that is or will be available.


A brief history of the office, as well as a short biography, photos, and the annual reports from each Surveyor-General, documenting some of the activities and observations of the Surveyors-General and recording the early geographical development of the new state.

Read more about the Surveyors-General of California