The State Lands Commission adopted a Strategic Plan on December 18, 2015. This plan, the culmination of robust stakeholder collaboration, positions the Commission as a leader in land and resource management, prioritizes transparency, establishes the highest levels of safety and environmental protection, and is anchored on leveraging technology to increase public engagement and to be more innovative and effective in its service to the people of California.
The Commission manages hundreds of thousands of acres of sovereign lands and resources. Its primary responsibilities are issuing leases for use of these lands and resources, preventing oil spills at offshore platforms and marine oil terminals, and safeguarding state waters from marine invasive species introductions. This strategic plan equips the Commission to adapt to emerging challenges and opportunities, while creating a meaningful and rich framework to achieve California’s policy goals, champion public access, and enforce the protections of the Public Trust Doctrine. The status of the Commission’s implementation of the plan is below, including the current status for each action.