On Wednesday, June 23, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., the Commission will host a virtual workshop to provide a feasibility study update and gather public input, ideas, and comments regarding areas of concern and project alternatives.
What: Rincon Phase 2 Feasibility Study Planning Workshop: Public Workshop
Who: California State Lands Commission
When: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Where: This is a zoom meeting. Please use the meeting link (listed further down the page) or join by phone.
The meeting will be recorded for viewing after the fact.
What is the Rincon Phase 2 Feasibility Study?
The Rincon facilities are in Ventura County. They include Rincon Island, the connecting causeway, an 11-acre onshore facility, and offsite pipelines. The State Lands Commission is responsible for decommissioning the facilities. Phase 1 was to plug and abandon all the state oil and gas wells and perform related site clearance work to prepare the sites for caretaker status. Phase 2 is to develop a decommissioning plan for the disposition of Rincon Island, the onshore facility, and the causeway. This includes a feasibility study and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation. Phase 2 work began in March 2021and is expected to take about six months to complete. The feasibility study assesses the practicality of various decommissioning alternatives for the Rincon sites, including reuse, full removal and partial removal.
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81617435127?pwd=VFFrckJHdk81dUNGOVhjVHZXTTlSdz09
Passcode: 079878
Join by Phone
In the U.S. dial: 669.219.2599 | 877.853.5257 (toll-free)
Webinar ID: 831 0048 7544
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbCpKmrB6
Contact Sheri Pemberton with any questions at sheri.pemberton@slc.ca.gov or 916.574.1800 or follow us on Twitter.