City of Arcata

May 23, 2024 | Grantees

Old wooden barn in Arcata, California.

Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, photograph by Carol M. Highsmith.

The City of Arcata was granted sovereign tide and submerged lands in trust in 1913. In 1989, the original grant was repealed and replaced with a new granting statute for the purposes of commerce, navigation, fisheries, and other public trust purposes and in accordance with a land use plan approved by the City and the Commission.

City of Arcata

The City is required by Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code to complete an annual financial statement and standardized reporting form for trust lands on or before December 31 of each year.

Below is a list of reports the City has submitted:

Settlement / Agreement Number Description
AD 89 Quitclaim Deed. City of Arcata to State Lands Commission, State of California
SLL 81 Grant Deed. George R. Van Vleet and Doris Van Vleet to the State of California
Statutes Description
Chapter 344, Statutes of 1913
REPEALED by Chapter 1238
An act granting to the city of Arcata the tide lands and submerged lands of the state within the boundaries of, and within two miles of the boundaries of said city.
Chapter 542, Statutes of 1917
REPEALED by Chapter 1238
An act granting to the city of Arcata tide and submerged lands of the State of California, including the right to wharf out therefrom to the city of Arcata, and regulating the management, use and control thereof.
Chapter 1040, Statutes of 1976 An act to amend Section 23 of the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation, and Conservation District Act (Chapter 1283 of the Statutes of 1970), relating to the settlement of titles to tide and submerged lands in the Humboldt Bay area.
Chapter 1238, Statutes of 1989 An act to repeal Chapter 344 of the Statutes of 1913 and Chapter 542 of the Statutes of 1917, relating to tidelands and submerged lands and to convey certain tide and submerged lands to the City of Arcata.
Staff Report Description
08/23/1979 (29) Acceptance of quitclaim – general permit public agency use
12/17/1981 (24) Acceptance of land donation
05/09/1988 (35) Approval of agreement for solid waste assessment testing at Old Arcata landfill site
06/28/2019 (88) Consider adopting findings relating to certain lands subject to the legislative trust grant to the City of Arcata and the authorization to file a certificate that would temporarily lift the Public Trust use restrictions on those lands as provided under Chapter 1040, Statutes of 1976

The City is required by Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter 1238, Statutes of 1989, to submit a Trust Lands Use Plan by January 1, 1994, and a report of trust uses every five years thereafter, beginning September 30, 1991. The reports will be posted here as they become available.