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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2024-02-2644Chevron Products Company, a division of Chevron U.S.A., Inc.N/AGeneral Lease-Right of Way Use36-inch-diameter concrete deep water outfall (3,000 linear feet)San Pablo Bay, near Point San Pablo and the city of Richmond7062Contra CostaRevision of Rent and Bond
2024-02-2662California Department of TransportationA3990General Lease-Public Agency Usetemporary construction easement; construction required to widen the right-turn pocket of the roadway adjacent to this location, and minor grading to match the existing groundnear Huntington Beach9783OrangeActive
2024-02-2680California Highway PatrolA3624General Lease-Right of Way Useunpaved access roadState school land in a portion of Section 36, T7N R3E, SBM, near Barstow8969San BernardinoPending
2023-12-0511RCD Tahoe LP, a California Limited Partnership; and David J. TeeceA3622General Lease-Recreational Usejoint-use pier, boathouse with boat lift, and four mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 9125 Emerald Bay Road and 256 Four Ring Road, near Rubicon Bay2223El DoradoPending
2023-12-0531Jack Baker II and Cheryl BakerA3586General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, gangway, six steel pilings, and a foot bridgeway with removable railings anchored to a concrete landingSacramento River, adjacent to 18075 State Highway 160, Rio Vista8626SacramentoPending
2023-12-0548Pacific Wind Development, LLCW 26245 D, A4266General Lease-Industrial Useconstruction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of a new wind energy facility consisting of up to seven wind turbines of up to 3.0 megawatts capacity eachState-owned school lands identified as Section 16, T16S R6E, SBM, north of Boulevard9379San DiegoComplete
2023-10-1913Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyA2562, A3738General Lease-Right of Way Use34 pipelines; transportation, distribution, and gathering pipelines to transport natural gasSacramento River, Colusa and Butte County; Sacramento River, Butte and Glenn County; Sacramento River, Colusa and Sutter County; Feather River, Sutter and Yuba County; Sacramento River, Sacramento and Yolo County; Petaluma River, Sonoma County; Napa5438-BButte, Colusa, Glenn, Merced, Napa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, SolanoPending
2023-10-1939Russell Joseph Chidley and Susan Elizabeth ChidleyA4045General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, access ramp, walkway, stairway, and riprap banklineColorado River, adjacent to 1190 Beach Drive, Needles9062San BernardinoPending
2023-10-1951City of OceansideA4158Permit-Geological Survey Permitgeological surveysOffshore,including granted or ungranted tidelands and submerged lands, from the mean high-tide line to approximately 1.3 miles offshore of the City of Oceanside9762San DiegoPending
2023-10-1962California Department of Parks and Recreation; City and County of San FranciscoA4170General Lease-Public Agency Usetemporary use of an existing paved parking lot and public utilities for the Bayview Vehicle Triage Centerfilled sovereign land located within the Candlestick Point State Recreation Area in San FranciscoPRC 6414San FranciscoPULLED