State Oil and Gas Leases PRC 1824 and PRC 3150 Lease Termination and 4H Shell Mounds Disposition

Jan 28, 2025 | Content Types

The Commission is considering an application by Chevron U.S.A., Inc. (Chevron) to terminate (i.e., surrender) oil and gas leases that formerly produced from four platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel that were decommissioned in 1996. The decommissioning project, as analyzed under CEQA, presumed that “shell mounds,” or remnant debris under each platform that were created from well cuttings and natural sediments, would remain in place subject to certain stipulations agreed by Chevron. Chevron believes that all stipulations required under the Commission’s approval of that project have been met. To assess Chevron’s application, the Commission has prepared a “Review of Lease Obligations and Assessment of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values” (APTR) to inform the Commission and stakeholders on the impacts to public trust resources by the shell mounds, if they remained, and the potential effects caused by their removal. The Commission will subsequently consider Chevron’s application and a Lease Termination Agreement at a regularly scheduled public meeting.

Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values – January 2025

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APTR = Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values
CEQA = California Environmental Quality Act
EA = Environmental Assessment
EIR = Environmental Impact Report
EIS = Environmental Impact Statement
FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact
IS = Initial Study
MND = Mitigated Negative Declaration
ND = Negative Declaration
NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act
NOI = Notice of Intent
NOP = Notice of Preparation



Electronic copies of CEQA documents before 2010 may be requested from:

Nicole Dobroski, Chief
Environmental Science, Planning, and Management Division