Supplemental Information to Final EIS – March 2019
A Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared for the Scorpion Pier Replacement Project by the National Parks Service (NPS). The Record of Decision was finalized in August 2018. To further address the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, Commission staff prepared Supplemental Information and reviewed the California Coastal Commission’s (CCC’s) Consistency Determination. Commission staff believes that the EIS together with the Supplemental Information and the CCC’s Consistency Determination meet the requirements of CEQA as mandated by State CEQA Guidelines section 15225, subdivision (a). Acting as the CEQA Lead Agency, the Commission will consider the documents noted above and a lease application to remove the existing Scorpion Pier and build a new Scorpion Pier to provide safe access to Santa Cruz Island.
CEQA Documents
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APTR = Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values
CEQA = California Environmental Quality Act
EA = Environmental Assessment
EIR = Environmental Impact Report
EIS = Environmental Impact Statement
FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact
IS = Initial Study
MND = Mitigated Negative Declaration
ND = Negative Declaration
NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act
NOI = Notice of Intent
NOP = Notice of Preparation
Electronic copies of CEQA documents before 2010 may be requested from:
Nicole Dobroski, Chief
Environmental Science, Planning, and Management Division