Category: Laws & Regulations

Recently Enacted Legislation

The Legislative Affairs Office provides the Commission with strategies to advance the Commission’s management of public trust lands and resources. The Legislative Affairs Office provides expert policy advice to the Administration and the Legislature on policy and...

Applicable Civil & Government Code

The Legislature has placed certain laws relating to the Commission’s authority and jurisdiction in the Civil Code and in the Government Code, including but not limited to retrocessions, cessions, and certain boundary and navigation determinations. [670.] The State is...

Public Resources Code

The primary location of the Commission's statutory authority is in Divisions 6, 7, 7.5, 7.7, 7.8, and 36 of the Public Resources Code and Government Code. The links to laws governing the Commission below will take you to the California Legislative website. Those...

Current Regulations

Under state law, the Commission is required to enact regulations to implement its statutory authority. The Commission’s regulations (with the exception of a portion of the Marine Oil Terminal regulations) are located in Title 2. Administration, Division 3. State...

New & Proposed Regulations

The Commission adopts and amends regulations concerning the laws it administers. Our regulations are consistent with the Administrative Procedures Act requirements. These requirements ensure that the public can participate in the regulatory process.New There are no...