Inventory of Unconveyed State School Lands and Tide and Submerged Lands Possessing Significant Environmental Values
The Commission has prepared this report for the California Legislature as a general identification and classification of those unconveyed State school lands and tide and submerged lands which possess significant environmental values. This publication incorporates...
A Report of the Joint Committee on Public Domain – Crude Oil Pipelines in California
This report is the third in a series of fact-finding reports by the Joint Committee on Public Domain on matters relating to the California oil-bearing tidelands. It is focused on the crude oil pipeline system in the State of California. Report of the Joint Committee...
A Report of the Joint Committee on Public Domain – The Cost of Refining California Crude Oil
The hard facts in this report were taken from subpoenaed documents which publicly expose for the first time the cost of refining a barrel of crude oil.A Report of the Joint Committee on Public Domain – The Cost of Refining California Crude Oil
A Report of the Joint Committee on Public Domain – The Administration of State Owned Lands
This report will show that the administration of State oil resources by the Commission and the Lands Division has been wholly unacceptable by any standards. Furthermore, the report will conclusively demonstrate that the Commission and its staff are totally lacking in...
A Report of the Joint Committee on Public Domain – Crude Oil Exchanges – “The Other Currency”
This report is the synthesis of thousands of documents on the exchange of crude oil among the major oil companies and clearly documents the existence of another medium of exchange in the petroleum industry.A Report of the Joint Committee on Public Domain – Crude Oil...
A Program for Managing the Ocean and Tidal Areas
Prepared Pursuant to the Legislative Directive Contained in the Supplementary Report of the Committee on Conference Relating to the 1910 Budget Act. A Program for Managing the Ocean and Tidal Areas (A Report to the Legislature)
Interstate Compact Defining the Boundary between the States of Arizona and California
The purpose of this compact is to fix by reference to stations of longitude and latitude the location of the boundary line between Arizona and California on the Colorado river from the southern boundary of the state of Nevada to the point on the international boundary...
Report on Land Title Law of State of California
Pursuant to the Budget Act of 1949 and Section 6211 of the Public Resources Code
Reports of the Surveyors General
A brief history of the office, as well as a short biography, photos, and the annual reports from each Surveyor General, documenting some of the activities and observations of the Surveyors General and recording the early geographical development of the new state.