Supplemental Report to the Legislature – Proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sale Program – Point Conception – Point Arguello, Santa Barbara County
For three years the Commission has been collecting data to evaluate the potential for oil and gas resources in State lands off shore between Point Conception and Point Arguello, Santa Barbara County. In response to Supplemental Budget Language for the 1981-82 Fiscal...
California Marine Boundary Program – Final Report 1974-81
The main objective of the National Ocean Survey (NOS) / California Marine Boundary Program (CMBP) fa to utilize tidal data obtained from the established tide stations to determine tidal datums of sufficient accuracy to delineate marine boundaries and support the NOS...
Grants of Land in California made by Spanish or Mexican Authorities
The colonization of California began with the Spanish Empire's discovery of New Spain. Along with Mexico, the states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and other lands, made up what was once known as New Spain. California was one of the last of these...
Report to the Legislature – Proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sale Program – Point Conception – Point Arguello, Santa Barbara County
After a hiatus of over a decade, the Commission has developed a program which will enable the State to lease, by competitive bid, approximately 40,000 acres of State tidelands and submerged lands for oil and gas development. Subsequent to the 1969 blowout and oil...
Tidelands Inventories by County
A data summary has been prepared for each of the coastal counties of California and for the offshore islands. The inventory and the report were mandated by Public Resources Code Sections 6331 et seq.Del Norte | Humboldt | Islands | Los Angeles | Marin | Mendocino |...
Orange County Coast Line Title and Boundary Information
Orange County Coast Line Title and Boundary Information
Historical Evaluation of the Delta Waterways – Final Report
The Commission received a grant from the United States Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, to remove navigation hazards from portions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using a mobile crane mounted on a barge. Many of the objects to be...
American River – A Study of Public and Private Rights between the Sacramento River and Nimbus Dam
Prepared by the Commission in response to Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 49.American River – A Study of Public and Private Rights between the Sacramento River and Nimbus Dam
Public Land Ownership in California
This report, prepared under Section 14683 of the Government Code, revises the statistical data presented in the 1965 Senate Permanent Fact Finding Committee on Natural Resources report, "Public Land Ownership and Use in California", and in the earlier editions...
Alternatives for Land Consolidation – Choices for the Future – A Working Paper
This report considers only the vacant State school land acreage (607,000 acres), all 100 percent mineral reservations (529,000 acres) and l/16th reservation of minerals (187,725 acres) presently administered by the State Lands Commission; 15.5 million acres of public...