California’s Marine Invasive Species Program and the United States Federal Programs that Manage Vessels as Vectors of Nonindigenous Species: A Comparison of the Relative Effectiveness at Reducing the Risk of Nonindigenous Species Introduction from Maritime Shipping Activities
This report, prepared for the California Legislature, summarizes this analysis and fulfills the mandate set forth in PRC section 71271.
Marine Renewable Energy and Environmental Impacts: Advancing California’s Goals
The development, planning, and permitting of emerging technologies presents a challenge to project proponents and resource managers, and marine renewable energy (MRE) is no exception.
Department of Finance Review of the State’s Oil Spill Prevention, Response and Preparedness Program
In accordance with Government Code section 8670.42, the Department of Finance, Office of State Audits and Evaluations respectfully submits its final report on the review of the financial basis and programmatic effectiveness of the State’s Oil Spill Prevention,...
Report to Legislature on Offshore Drilling Safety and Spill Prevention
Pursuant to Public Resources Code (PRC) §6226 (AB 1112), effective January 1, 2012, Commission staff, in consultation with the Department of Conservation’s Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, is submitting its report on regulatory action, pending or already...
Report to Commissioners: Production and Marine Terminal Operations in State Waters and the California State Lands Commission’s Oil Spill Prevention Programs Protecting State Waters
At its June 28, 2010 Commission meeting, the Chair of the Commission directed Commission staff to review oil production operations in State waters by the August 2010 Commission meeting, in light of the events occurring in the Gulf of Mexico relating to the British...
A Report on Sea Level Rise Preparedness
This report has been prepared to address concerns expressed on the issue of sea level rise and the implications for California’s economic and social future by members of the Commission at the Commission meeting held on June 1, 2009. The Commissioners requested that...
Special Staff Report – Potential Hazards on State School Lands
This report was prepared pursuant to Item 3560-001-0001 (2) of the Supplemental Report of the 2006 Budget Act, which states, “On or before January 10, 2008, the State Lands Commission shall report to the chairs of the appropriate policy committees and the fiscal...
Special Staff Report – Mineral and Land Audit Program
This report was prepared pursuant to Item 3560-001-0001 (1) of the Supplemental Report of the 2006 Budget Act, which states, “On or before January 10, 2008, the State Lands Commission shall report to the chairs of the appropriate policy committees and the fiscal...
Report on Performance Standards for Ballast Water Discharges in California Waters
This report was prepared for the California Legislature pursuant to the Marine Invasive Species Act of 2003 (Act). The Act reauthorized and enhanced the original law, The Ballast Water Management and Control for Nonindigenous Species Act of 1999. In accordance with...
Report on Commercial Vessel Fouling in California: Analysis, Evaluation, and Recommendations to Reduce Nonindigenous Species Release from the Non-Ballast Water Vector
This report was prepared for the California Legislature pursuant to the Marine Invasive Species Act of 2003 (Act), codified as California Public Resources Code (PRC) Sections 71203-71210.5. The Act enhanced and reauthorized the original law, the Ballast Water...