Ormond Beach Generating Station Community Engagement
The California State Lands Commission is hosting an environmental justice outreach and engagement meeting on Friday, February 28, 2025, at 6 p.m. at the South Oxnard Community Center. The Commission is processing an application from Ormond Beach Power, LLC, a subsidiary of GenOn Inc., for an amendment of their General Lease – Industrial Use.
California-American Water Company/Marina Public Outreach
The California State Lands Commission is hosting an environmental justice outreach and engagement meeting on Friday, December 6, 2024, at 11 a.m. at the Marina City Council Chambers. The Commission is processing an application from California American Water (Cal-Am)...
Regional Leaders Announce Settlement in Tijuana River Valley Sewage Litigation
Successful Conclusion to Long-Running Lawsuits Announced by San Diego Area, Federal, State and Local Organizations
CalEnviroScreen 4.0
The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) have just released an updated version of the environmental justice tool, CalEnviroScreen. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 reflects the public input on the draft released in February 2021 and previous versions.
Commission implores the U.S. EPA to take immediate action to protect the Tijuana River Estuary and California beaches
Sacramento, Calif. - The State Lands Commission sent a letter to the U.S. EPA today stating that immediate action is needed to stop the flow of 50 million gallons per day of polluted water into the Tijuana River Valley. The flow is resulting in prolonged beach...
State Lands Commission Adopts Resolution Urging Federal Action on Tijuana River Valley Pollution
Bipartisan Coalition Resolution Takes Fight to End Transboundary Sewage Crisis to Next Level Sacramento – Continuing its push to end a decades-long environmental crisis, the State Lands Commission announced today that it adopted a consensus resolution recommending...
Commission granted Intervenor status in Tijuana River litigation
This action comes at a time when more than six million gallons a day of raw sewage spilling into the Tijuana River Sacramento, CA – A District Court has granted the California State Lands Commission’s request to join in the state’s litigation to halt the flow of toxic...
Commission adopts visionary Environmental Justice Policy
The Policy sets out 12 goals and a strong Implementation Blueprint and will guide the Commission’s land and resource management duties in the coming years.
In December 2018, the Commission adopted a comprehensive Environmental Justice Policy and Implementation Plan.
Here you will find a list of all the draft documents and public comments leading up to the finalized policy.
Commission seeks to intervene in Tijuana River litigation
California Attorney General files motion requesting that the court grant the State Lands Commission intervenor status