Well re-abandonment complete offshore Summerland Beach
Last month, the Commission, using a barge, divers, and other equipment, successfully capped two leaking legacy wells offshore Summerland Beach in Santa Barbara County. The work, which required permits from multiple state and federal agencies, including CalGem and the California Coastal Commission, went smoothly and was completed on schedule.
Public Notice – Haskell’s Beach Hazards Removal Activity to Begin
UPDATE: This work has been completed! Thank you to everyone involved.
Public Notice – Temporary Use of Lookout Park Parking Lot & Beach Area
UPDATE: On November 29, 2020, the Commission and InterAct PMTI completed the re-abandonments of the Treadwell #10 and NorthStar #815 and wells using a barge, divers, and heavy equipment. This re-abandonment work was an essential part of the Commission’s efforts to permanently stop the hydrocarbon source from leaking into surrounding waters and onto the beach. The work was conducted from a derrick barge and a dive vessel anchored nearby.
Becker & Legacy Wells Abandonment & Remediation Project
– EIR Addendum (1/20) & Final EIR (7/17)
2019 Coastal Hazards & Legacy Oil & Gas Well Removal & Remediation Program Report
A report to the Legislature on the activities and accomplishments of the program for the prior year. Read the report here.
2018 Coastal Hazards & Legacy Oil & Gas Well Removal & Remediation Program Report
A report to the Legislature on the activities and accomplishments of the program for the prior year. Read the report here.
Becker Well Re-Abandonment Summary
The Becker #1 well, located on Summerland Beach in Santa Barbara County, first made history in the 1890’s when it was one of the first offshore wells drilled in the U.S. and is once again making history as one of the first of these vintage offshore wells to be...
Commission delivers plan to tackle abandoned oil wells leaking on California beach
San Diego - Today, the State Lands Commission voted unanimously to take a critical step to remedy leaking oil wells at Summerland Beach in Santa Barbara County. Over the past few years, the State Lands Commission has fought to secure dedicated funding to remediate and...
Commission announces that the excavation and assessment of the Becker onshore well at Summerland Beach in Santa Barbara County was successful
Assessment is the first step to mitigate the presence of oil at the Beach
Agencies recognized for beach hazard & open space clean up
Goleta, CA -- The Goleta City Council today recognized the State Lands Commission and the State Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources for funding and completing work to clean up Goleta’s coast. “We are so grateful for the work...