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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2020-04-2949JDC Enterprise LLC, a Limited Liability Company in the State of CaliforniaA2301GL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16442 Malden Circle, Huntington Beach3086.1OrangeTermination and New Lease
2020-04-2975CSLCW 9301EO to enter into need-based negotiated settlements with lessees and applicants adversely impacted by COVID-19 pandemic and related shelter-in-place orders to provide limited-term relief including rent deferral, waiver of penalty and interest, and deferral of application processing expenses; EO to implement emergency rulemaking; consider authorizing short-term extensions for certain public agency leasesStatewide
2020-02-2830Port of StocktonGL-PAnon-operational swing bridgeBurns Cutoff at Daggett Road, Rough and Ready Island, Stockton4376.1San JoaquinPulled
2020-02-2850CSLCW 30214; Bid Log 2019-013EO to solicit proposals for consultant services, negotiate fair and reasonable prices, award and execute agreements, for the abandonment of legacy oil and gas wellsSummerland BeachSanta Barbara, Ventura
2020-02-2852Rascal Lithium LLCA2330Prospecting Permitapproximately 640 acres of State-owned 100 percent reserved mineral interest, school land, within Section 36, T27N R4E, SBM, about 8 miles northwest of Death Valley Junction9516.2InyoPulled
2019-12-0610Tahoe City Public Utility DistrictA2300GP-PApublic recreational boating facility; one public pier with floating dock; one boat launching ramp; and fillLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2500 Lake Forest Road, near Tahoe CityPRC 2754.9PlacerAmendment
2019-12-0630Oak Hills Estate, LLCGL-Otherhabitat restoration and mitigationBurton Mesa Ecological Reserve, near Lompoc9570.9Santa BarbaraNew Lease
2019-12-0649CSLCW 9301Amend the Comprehensive Delegation of Authority to authorize the EI to approve certain lease assignments and certain rent revisions; re-delegate various budget, fiscal, and personnel matters to the Assistant Chief, Administrative Services Division; modify criteria for granting letters of non-objection; and make other modificationsStatewide
2019-10-2412LCOF Lake Tahoe Investment LLC, a Delaware limited liability companyA2130GL-Comcommercial marina facility known as Timber Cove Lodge Marina consisting of a pier with a restaurant building and retail building, a fueling facility, two personal watercraft string lines, 80 mooring buoys, and two channel markersLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3411 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, near South Lake TahoePRC 3981.1El DoradoAmendment
2019-10-2430City of Sacramento; Sacramento River Tours, LLC, dba Sacramento Jetboat ExcursionsA2074GL-PAUse and maintenance of docks, walkways, access ramps, floating vessels, and any other structure necessary or appurtenant to the development of the lease premises and for the mooring of vessels.Sacramento River in Old Sacramento, between the I Street bridge and the Tower bridge, city of Sacramento7001.1SacramentoSublease