The Life Cycle of a Commercial Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Removal

The photos below show the steps to remove and demolish the Double Eagle tugboat from the Delta. Background information for the Double Eagle and the Commission’s formal action is in the staff report.

Scroll through the gallery to see the process. Photos courtesy of Lind Marine, Inc.

Abandoned Vessel infographic from the NOAA Office of Response & Restoration.

Sunken and abandoned ships can cause a lot of potential damage to the environment and the economy. Credit: NOAA Office of Response & Restoration. Larger view available.



Public Land Manager
Vicki Caldwell

Jennifer Bryant

Andrew Kershen


Abandoned Commercial Vessel Removal Plan

AB 2441 (Frazier, 2019) requires the Commission to develop a plan to remove abandoned and derelict commercial vessels in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta.


Best Management Practices for Marine Debris Removal

The Commission’s best management practices are advisory and guide local entities responsible for marine debris removal. The Commission adopted these best management practices in 2016, following the enactment of AB 1323 (Frazier), which required the Commission to adopt best management practices for marine debris removal after consulting with interested state and local entities.