Peralta Community College District

May 22, 2024 | Grantees

The City of Oakland was granted certain salt marsh, tide and submerged lands in 1909 and 1911. In 1965, the City was legislatively authorized to convey a certain portion of this land to the Peralta Junior College District for the construction, maintenance, development and operation of a junior college, provided that the transfer to the District is subject to the public trust, that the City or District maintains a channel for the flow of water between Lake Merritt and the San Antonio Estuary, and that any revenue received by the City for the transfer be used for purposes that are in the general statewide interest.

Peralta Community College District

The District is required by Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code to complete an annual financial statement and standardized reporting form for trust lands on or before December 31 of each year.

Below is a list of reports the District has submitted:

Settlement / Agreement Number Description
BLA 71 Agreement for Compromise of Claim. Alameda County-East Bay Title Insurance Company vs. State of California | State of California vs. Alameda County-East Bay Title Insurance Company
Statute Description
Chapter 1737, Statutes of 1965 An act authorizing the sale to the Peralta Junior College District of certain salt marsh, tide and submerged lands previously granted in trust to the City of Oakland.
Staff Report Description
01/26/1978 (40) Consideration of substantial compliance