Alphabetical Grantee list

Below is a list of our grantees in alphabetical order.

Each page has information about granting statutes, boundary line agreements, Commission approvals, and other useful information to help you become knowledgeable about a particular grant.

Each page contains a breadth of interesting information about a grant’s public trust lands and assets, including boundary line agreements, granting statutes, statements of revenues and expenditures relating to that grant’s trust lands and trust assets, and staff reports. These pages are intended to enhance transparency and ensure that information about legislatively granted public trust lands is readily available.

Disclaimer: These summaries have been prepared in an effort to highlight key elements relevant to the grants in an abbreviated format. These summaries are not exhaustive nor are they intended to replace the language found in the legislative granting statutes or other controlling materials. Although every effort has been made to avoid mischaracterization of the grants and the language in the granting statutes, any failure to do so is not binding or intentional. Please refer to the applicable granting statutes directly for a more complete description of the legislation.