
Meeting Date: 2016-10-13

Item/Link Name Work Order/App Number Lease/Permit Type Improvements Location Lease/Permit Number Other County Status
EO Rpt2280 Sunnyside Lane LLCGL-RECpier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2280 Sunnyside Lane, near Tahoe CityPRC 4170PlacerRent Review
EO RptJoseph A. and Patricia R. Enos, TrusteesGL-RECuncovered floating boat dock, ramp and two pilingsGeorgiana Slough, adjacent to 14800 Andrus Island Road, Walnut GrovePRC 8906SacramentoRent Review
C01Doris B. Fagan, trusteeGL-RECuncovered floating boat dock, ramp, two steel bars, and one steel cableSacramento River, adjacent to 22539 Adobe Road, near the city of Red BluffPRC 6957TehamaRenewal
C02Sandra J. Clarkson, Trustee of the Clarkson Survivor's TrustGL-RECuncovered floating boat dock, gangway, and two galvanized steel cablesSacramento River, adjacent to 22551 Adobe Road, near the city of Red BluffPRC 6955TehamaRenewal
C03Tri-Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporationGL-RECpier, 38 mooring buoys, two marker buoys, and swim lineLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7001 West Lake Boulevard, near TahomaPRC 3775El DoradoAmendment
C04Ronald H. and Marilyn Sue Rouda, Trustees et al.W 26866GL-RECtwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 10 Aspen Street, near Tahoe CityPRC 9368PlacerInitialized
C05Ross W. Relles, Jr. and Lynne K. RellesGL-RECfour mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3205 and 3225 West Lake Boulevard, near HomewoodPRC 8702PlacerRenewal
C06Frank Casale and Teresa M. CasaleGL-RECtwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 720 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe CityPRC 8643PlacerRenewal
C07Adolphus Andrews Jr., Gordon P. Andrews, and Edith Andrews Tobin, as TrusteesGL-RECtwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 9720 Brockway Springs Drive, near Kings BeachPRC 7928PlacerRenewal
C086980 West Lake, LLC, a California limited liability companyGL-COMpier, five mooring buoys and three freshwater intake pipelinesLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6980 West Lake Boulevard, near TahomaPRC 3637PlacerTermination and New Lease
C10The Trustees of the Lake Tahoe Park AssociationGL-RECtwo piers, swim area with swim line and 50 mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1700 Sequoia Avenue, Tahoe CityPRC 3887PlacerAmendment
C09Richard P. Filson and Ann M. Filson, Trustees et al.GL-RECpier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8361 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Meeks BayPRC 8951El DoradoTermination and New Lease
C11City of Yuba CityGL-PAa bridge, known as the Fifth Street Bridge, with attached City-operated utility conduits and a 12-inch diameter water line; use of a temporary construction easement; temporary use and maintenance of the existing Fifth Street Feather River Bridge (NoFeather River, adjacent to 563 2nd Street, city of Yuba City, Sutter County and River Front Park, city of Marysville, Yuba CountyPRC 1929Sutter YubaQuitclaim and New Lease
C12William A. and Lavon T. Manke, as Co-TrusteesW 8670.65GL-RECsingle-berth pier and storage shedDonner Lake, adjacent to 14956 South Shore Drive, near the town of TruckeePRC 9369NevadaInitialized
C13Michael M. Ghilotti and Lisa B. GhilottiGL-RECtwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7762 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe VistaPRC 8962PlacerRent Review
C14Broody Bear, LLC and Flatcat, LLCGL-RECtwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3755 Idlewild Way, near HomewoodPRC 8334PlacerRent Review
C15Florene D. Heck as Trustee, or Successor TrusteeGL-RECtwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 780 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe CityPRC 4412PlacerRent Review
C17The Metropolitan Water District of Southern CaliforniaGL-PAuncovered floating boat dock, gangway and five pilingsSouth Fork of the Mokelumne River, on Bouldin Island, near the city of IsletonPRC 5275San JoaquinQuitclaim and New Lease
C182101-2603 Wilbur LLCGL-INDnon-operational industrial pier, two five-pile dolphins, a maintenance pier, water intake pipeline, electrical substation, storm water outfall, instrumentation shed, three day beacons, and surge basinSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 2301 Wilbur Road, near the city of AntiochPRC 1546Contra CostaCorrection
C16James Grimes and Kim Grimes, Co-TrusteesGL-REC+PSuncovered floating boat dock, gangway, two-pile dolphin, one piling, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 3445 Garden Highway, near the city of SacramentoPRC 5124SacramentoQuitclaim and New Lease
C19Dyanna Taylor and Seth Whiteside TaylorGL-RECuncovered floating boat dock, pilings, walkway and rampCorte Madera Creek, adjacent to 119 Greenbrae Boardwalk, near the city of LarkspurPRC 9257MarinRescission and New Lease
C22CCO SoCal 1, LLCW 26991Indemnification AgmtIndemnify the State for any harm that may occur or arise from the installation, use, operation and maintenance of video lines on the new bridgeTuolumne River at Santa Fe AvenuePRC 9301Stanislaus
C21County of MarinGL-Dredgingmaintenance dredge a maximum of 40,000 cubic yards of material over the lease term to maintain a navigable depth in the northern and southern entrance channels to Paradise CaySan Francisco Bay at the northern and southern entrance channels to Paradise Cay, near the town of TiburonPRC 7822MarinRenewal
C20East Bay Regional Park DistrictW 27042GL-PAan elevated segment of the San Francisco Bay Trail with architectural safety railings and mesh fencing on both sides of the raised trail and a temporary construction access roadSan Pablo Bay, near the city of PinolePRC 9370Contra CostaInitialized
C23Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary DistrictGL-PAwastewater disposal project combined with agriculture, wildlife enhancement, and open space preservation usesSan Pablo Bay, Miller Creek, near the city of San RafaelPRC 6201MarinAmendment
C25Darrell Ferreira and Mary Lynn Ferreira, as Co-Trustees and all Successor TrusteesGL-REC+PSboat dock, gangway, piling, dolphin, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 6901 Garden Highway, near the city of SacramentoPRC 7016SacramentoRenewal
C24Chevron U.S.A., Inc.GL-R/W8-inch-diameter refined petroleum products pipeline, the decommissioning and abandonment-in-place of pipeline segments, construction of a temporary work platform, installation of temporary pilings and buoys, and installation of a new horizontal direHonker Bay, Solano and Contra Costa Counties; Roaring River Slough, Montezuma Slough, and Grizzly Slough, Solano County; and the Sacramento River, Yolo and Sacramento CountiesPRC 3277Contra Costa Sacramento Solano YoloTermination and New Lease
C26Neil A. Clark and Julia L. ClarkGL-REC+PSfloating boat dock with two uncovered single berths, gangway, one 3-pile wood dolphin, two 2-pile steel dolphins, two steel pilings, two wood pilings, storage shed, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 3843 Garden Highway, near the city of SacramentoPRC 5699SacramentoAssignment
C27Eric FugeW 26983GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9371MarinInitialized
C28Dana R. Cappiello, Trustee, or Her Successors in InterestW 27036GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 22667 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9372MarinInitialized
C29Hog Island Oyster Company, Inc.W 26985GL-COMthree mooring buoysTomales Bay, adjacent to 20215 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9373MarinInitialized
C30Mark CarlsonW 27035GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 18565 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9374MarinInitialized
C31Thomas McDonnell Riley and Melissa Eaton RileyW 26986GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 22195 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9375MarinInitialized
C32Ray F. Peterson and Betty L. Peterson, as TrusteesGL-REC+PSfloating boat dock, gangway, pilings and bank protectionSteamboat Slough, adjacent to 13954 Grand Island Road, near Walnut GrovePRC 5754SacramentoRenewal
C34JaniCo, LLCGL-REC+PSfloating boat dock, gangway, piling, two-pile dolphin and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 7257 Garden Highway near the city of SacramentoPRC 5865SacramentoTermination and New Lease
C35Kirk D. West and Gloria J. WestGL-REC+PSfloating boat dock, walkway, gangway, pilings and bank protectionGeorgiana Slough, adjacent to 16807 Terminous Road, near IsletonPRC 7014SacramentoRenewal
C33Delta Gas Gathering, Inc.GL-R/Wsix-inch-diameter steel welded natural gas pipelineSacramento River between Merritt Island in Yolo County and Randall Island, Sacramento CountyPRC 7906Sacramento YoloRenewal
C36Phillips 66 CompanyGL-R/Wone 18-inch-diameter wastewater outfall pipeline and one abandoned 14-inch-diameter outfall pipelinePacific Ocean, offshore of Oceano Dunes State Recreational Vehicle AreaPRC 1449San Luis ObispoRent Review
C37Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLCW 23621GL-R/W24-inch-diameter gas pipelineColorado River southeast of Needles, near the Interstate 40 river crossingPRC 7598San BernardinoRent Review
C38Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyGL-R/Wgroundwater quality monitoring wellsextending from the adjacent uplands of the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge and into the bed of the Colorado River, southeast of the city of Needles, San Bernardino County and near the town of Topock, Mohave County, ArizonaPRC 8737San BernardinoRent Review
C40Margaret Ann Hohly, TrusteeGL-Otherboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck with partial enclosure, extending no more than five feet waterward of the bulkheadHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 16931 Bolero Lane, city of Huntington BeachPRC 3244OrangeNew Lease
C43Kevin P. Krouse, Trustee and Courtney N. Krouse, TrusteeGL-RECboat dock and access rampHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 3282 Gilbert Drive, city of Huntington BeachPRC 3565OrangeTermination and New Lease
C42Qui V. Phan and Ngan L. PhanGL-REC+PSboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck extending no more than 5 feet waterward of the bulkhead, and bulkhead protectionHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 16711 Carousel Lane, city of Huntington BeachPRC 8244OrangeNew Lease
C39U.S. Bureau of ReclamationW 26776GL-PAconstruction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of open backwater, wetland and upland habitat, and ancillary structureshistoric bed of the Colorado River, Moabi Regional Park, near NeedlesPRC 9239San BernardinoRescission and New Lease
C41David Lee Johnston and Lisa D. Johnston, Trustees of the DLJ TrustRPLboat dockHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 16212 Piedmont Circle, city of Huntington BeachPRC 7422OrangeAssignment
C44Justin W. Chaidez and Maria A. CoronadoGL-R/Wroadway and utility access serving a single-family residenceState-owned school land within a portion of Section 36, T9N R22E, SBM, near the city of NeedlesPRC 4541San BernardinoAssignment
C45Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/WLugo-Mohave 500 Kv transmission lineschool land in a portion of Section 36, T10N R15E, SBM, near the city of NeedlesPRC 4025San BernardinoTermination
C45Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/WLugo-Mohave 500 Kv overhead transmission lineState school land in a portion of Section 36, T10N R14E, SBM, near the unincorporated town of EssexPRC 4026San BernardinoTermination
C46Norbert C. and Alice FreitasGL-Grazinglivestock grazing and fencingState school and lieu land in portions of Section 36, T32N R15E, MDM; Sections 7, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 30, T31N R16E, MDM; and portions of Sections 24, 25, 34, and all of Section 36, T31N R15E, MDM, near the unincorporated community of RavendalePRC 5329LassenRent Review
C47David Evans and Associates, Inc.Geoph Survey PmtStatewide Offshore, within Permit Regions I, II, III and IVPRC 8345StatewideRenewal
C45Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/W500 Kv overhead transmission lineState school land in a portion of Section 36, T10N R13E, SBM, near the Mojave National PreservePRC 4027San BernardinoTermination
C45Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/W500 kilovolt (kV) overhead transmission line, steel towers, and access roadState-owned school lands within portions of Section 36, T12N R20E, SBM; Section 36, T10N R13E, SBM; Section 36, T10N R14E, SBM; Section 36, T10N R15E, SBM near the Mojave National PreservePRC 4024San BernardinoTermination and New Lease
C48Fugro Pelagos, Inc.Geoph Survey PmtStatewide Offshore, within Permit Regions I, II, III and IVPRC 8391StatewideRenewal
C49Merkel & Associates, Inc.W 6005.169Geoph Survey PmtStatewide offshore tide and submerged lands within Permit Regions I, II, III, and IVPRC 9376StatewideInitialized
C50Scripps Institution of OceanographyGeoph Survey Pmttide and submerged lands within Permit Regions I, II, III, and IVPRC 9094StatewideRenewal
C51CSLCW 4848.1 4848.3 4848.4 4848.5 4848.6 4848.8Approve qualifying miles for Subventions for FY 2016-2017 to counties of Ventura and Santa Barbara; to the city of Carpinteria; to the cities of Huntington Beach and Seal Beach; and to the city of Long BeachLos Angeles
C52Robert G. WetzelW 40984MIN PROSP PMTState-owned, 100 percent reserved mineral interest school land within Section 36, T27N R4E, SBM, about 8 miles northwest of Death Valley Junction, State Parcel Nos. 214-507 and 214-508PRC 9377InyoInitialized
C53Ronald James MartinW 40985MIN PROSP PMTState fee-owned school land within Section 36, T28.5S R40E, MDM, SLC Parcel No. 168-011PRC 9378KernInitialized
C54City of Long BeachW 17168Final Report and Closing Statement for the Long Beach Unit Annual Plan (07/01/15 - 06/30/16), LBU, Wilmington Oil FieldLos Angeles
C55CSLCDelegate authority to EO to solicit statements of interest for on-call consultant services, negotiate a fair and reasonable price, and award and execute agreements of less than $250,000 per task for environmental or Public Trust review of water infrStatewide
C56CSLCDelegate authority to EO to solicit proposals for electrical engineering services, negotiate a fair and reasonable price, and award and execute agreements for conducting electrical systems safety analysis at oil and gas drilling and production facilityState-owned lands under lease or contract with the Commission in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Orange and Los Angeles CountiesSanta Barbara Ventura Orange Los Angeles
C57CSLCDelegate authority to EO to solicit bids, award and execute agreements for the removal of various hazardsalong the coastline in Santa Barbara and Ventura CountiesSanta Barbara Ventura
C58CSLC, as Kapiloff Land Bank Trustee; California Department of Fish and WildlifeC2013-033 Bid Log 2016-07Delegate authority to EO to execute agreements and authorize expenditures from Kapiloff Land Bank funds for management of Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Project for budget fy 2016-2017Statewide
C59CSLC; Baywood, LLCW 24562Compromise Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreementcertain real property in and adjacent to the Petaluma River, city of PetalumaAD 662Sonoma
C60CSLCAdopt Best Management Practices for marine debris removal as required by the California Harbors and Navigation Code section 552Statewide
C61City of MartinezG 02-02Relieving the City of Martinez from a requirement to transmit 20% of the revenue generated from its granted lands to the stateContra Costa
62CSLCLegislative report providing information and a status update concerning state legislation relevant to CSLCStatewideInformational
63Pacific Wind Development, LLCW 26245GL-INDconstruction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of a new wind energy facility consisting of up to seven wind turbines of up to 3.0 megawatts capacity eachState-owned school lands identified as Section 16, T16S R6E, SBM, north of BoulevardPRC 9379San DiegoInitialized
65CSLCW 27041Approve 2016 Category 1 Southern California benchmark rental rate; and approve 2016 Category 2 Huntington Harbour benchmark rental ratesovereign land in Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties; and sovereign land in the city of Huntington BeachLos Angeles Orange San Diego Ventura
64CSLC and San Diego Unified Port DistrictMOA to develop a pilot marine planning effort for State-owned tidelands and submerged landsState-owned tidelands and submerged lands in the Pacific Ocean offshore San Diego CountySan Diego